I red some where that the METZ lost to the Marlons by a scores of, 7 to five twoday in pt. saint lucy. some dood pichd the game who is no ones.

this suxx for the METZ becuz the METZ need, to win.

parenll pitchd for the METZ and did grate but then, the other people, like nelsun figuroah, and joe smith. let up THREE runs in each innings of baseball!!!!! THREE!!! EACH! :(:(:( i love the METZ but if the METZZ do this over s and overs they suxx and i dun wanna play with them nomor. i want tdem to win da wurl seeries so i can go, and see the game of the life.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHA LUK AT THE FISH THNG HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHOHODAGHOSGHOGDHDGHAHHAHA the floridah marlons: are the wurst teem ever becuz they do not hav n e good playurs + they did trade them to sum otter team in a noter leeg.

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