my seesun outlook

When the Yanx fyred joe Torrey, i was happy because he was a bad manager. He is now in los anjelus with the dodgers so i think he will do bad.

The Yankees hired alex rodriquez after he left the team and paid him a lot of money. That was a good move because he hits alot of homeruns and they win ballgames. if he left the yankees would lsoe.

the Yankeez also hired mariaon rivera for three years. They will win a lot of games because he pichtes many innings and he is there best pitcher.

This is the last seesun of Yankee Stadeeum and that is sad. I go there a lot of times during the seesun and i will have no where to go after this year. Where will they play the gamez? i will miss that bilding.

hopefully the Yankees go out in stile and wit the world serius beczu it would be a shame if they lost in thier last yr.

I think they have a good team and will play good. Alex Rodriquez will hit 70 homeruns i think. he is the best player ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am so sade that they Yankees r ending. I will miss vary much watchin them play.

i agrye wit most of this, bute i think a-Rod will make 71 homeruns.